Adoption Pitfalls You Must Avoid!
families find themselves learning about adoption
after they have already wasted valuable time and
money on bad adoption plans, scams, and frauds.
Armed with some very basic knowledge, you will
have a
huge advantage over other adoptive
families and you will complete your adoption far
are the top three adoption pitfalls:
If it sounds too good to be true, it is!
reality is,
you have to trust someone when it comes to your adoption.
How do you determine if someone is worthy of your trust?
Beware of anyone,
adoption professional or birthmother, who promises
that simply
sounds too perfect. This may mean an extremely low
cost, very short wait time, or especially a multiple
birth. Be assertive
and ask for facts to back up the claims. This is your
adoption. You are putting your family into a position
of trusting another individual and you need to know
done all you can to protect your investment of time,
money, and emotion.
Don't give any money to a birthmother or her representative
without verifying their legitimacy.
Women posing as birthmothers call with
heart-wrenching stories,
willing to give
baby, if only you can help them with money. Other
individuals may call with promises of giving your phone
number to a birthmother they know for $500. Never give
anyone money
without knowing more about who you are dealing with.
Not only can you end up losing the money, you may be
putting yourself at legal risk. Consult with your attorney
or adoption professional before giving any money to
a birthmother. If you have agreed
to pay some living expenses, such as rent for example,
pay her landlord directly rather than sending her the
money to do it herself.
Research all adoption professionals you choose
to work with.
Some adoption professionals
may make promises that seem
way out of line with others you've spoken with.
Regardless of whom you choose to work with, research them before
signing any agreement. Ask for references, contact
their local Better Business Bureau,
read any contracts thoroughly, reviewing with an
adoption attorney if possible. Don't be shy about asking
speak with past clients. If they are a reputable organization,
they should be more than happy to let you speak with
their successful families.
and Nancy made a costly mistake. It robbed them of
four precious years they could have been
sharing with their adopted child. The adoption professional
they contracted with accepted every family that applied
and the average wait time was over five years for a
this couple made a change and did go on to successfully
Here to Learn the Single Most Important Key to a Successful
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